Of Democrats, Totalitarianism and Freedom
By Matt Schwartz
This is something I posted on my friend Steve Sandler's wall in response to a Liberal's charge that Republicans are like goose-stepping Nazis. Not that I have much higher regard for Republicans given their recent track record, but I thought the record should be set straight about which party is more dangerous and why, from a philosophical standpoint. (If pressed, I will admit that while the Democrats are on a track headed for Socialism at 100 mph, my own party is on the same track, but traveling at perhaps 60 mph. This needs to be corrected, and fast, but it is hard to do given the profound damage that has been inflicted by our educational system. Read on to see what I mean...)
In terms of freedom, the Democrats are much closer to fascists than the Republicans. They are also much closer to Marxists. "Now, how is that" you may ask? The reason is that the technical differences between Marxism and fascism are irrelevant in terms of freedom. Both systems are inherently totalitarian and inimical to freedom. They both elevate government controls over individual liberties. Contrary to conventional education, they are therefore both on the same side of the political spectrum. It does not matter whether the government "owns" the means of production or if it merely "controls" the means of production if the government can confiscate your private property and imprison you at will (like, for example, if you choose not to buy PelosiCare).
The opposite side of the political spectrum is anarchy (no government at all -- total, complete and utter freedom), which also happens to be patently undesirable. The so-called "happy medium" is that which we have (or perhaps HAD) in this country, which is a limited Constitutional republic -- where the government's powers are expressly limited by its Constitution and it only performs the basic function of protecting the free exercise of its people's rights.
The Left (whose preferred home is the Democrat party) has perverted the role of government into "equality management" and "provider of needs", which are roles that are intrinsically at odds with liberty. You cannot ensure equality of results without infringing on the rights of those who naturally excel. And you cannot provide for people's needs without stealing from people who have rightfully earned the fruits of their labor. The Left looks to government as a panacea to all problems, and seeks to expand its powers at every turn to implement ill-conceived social agendas at the expense of freedom -- and many times, at the expense of common sense as well. Sure, they may one day achieve their goal of total equality, but it will of course be an equality of misery. Most of the horrific atrocities in modern history have been committed in the course of trying to achieve this very objective -- 18 million murdered in the USSR, 28 million murdered in Communist China, millions upon millions more murdered in Viet Nam, North Korea, Ethiopia, Cuba, Cambodia and Angola -- not to mention the countless other millions of people who have been persecuted and imprisoned in all of those places and still others not mentioned.
People NOT on the Left (i.e., those who embrace liberty) understand that a government that has the power to give, has the power NOT to give; That absolute power corrupts absolutely (e.g., the John Murtha Airport); That a government which has the power to give you all that you need, has the power to take everything you have away; That dependence is outright slavery; That if you give a man a fish, he eats for a day, but if you teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime; That free men produce, create and invent at exponentially higher rates than dependent slaves; That the greatest contributions to mankind in modern history are the direct products of freedom -- technological and medical progress, untold creation of wealth and dramatically increased standards of living for millions of people -- all due to what George Washington called the great "American Experiment," and what modern patriots call "American Exceptionalism"; And, finally, that freedom is not free, and is certainly no walk in the park. It is very hard work being free, and many times it is scary -- because whether or not your needs are met is completely up to you. And while you're worried about whether you will be able to provide for these needs, you also have to worry about some jackass trying to take your freedom away to boot.
It is no coincidence that the last verse of our national anthem is "the land of the Free and the home of the Brave." It takes a courageous soul and much intestinal fortitude to be free. But as hard and as scary as it may be sometimes, it is the most optimal condition for mankind. We know this to a moral certainty because even today people are willing to die -- whether on an Iraqi battlefield or on a flimsy raft constructed on a Cuban beach -- so that they and their children can be free. Unfortunately, our Marxist-controlled universities have brainwashed our people (who have been lulled into dangerous complacency by the unprecedented successes and achievements of their forefathers) into an "entitlements society" that has open disdain for every element of true freedom. Of course they will never say that they hate freedom -- it is not politically expedient to do so -- but they consistently attack all the hallmarks of freedom (e.g., private property rights, free market economics, individual rights, independence and personal responsibility). By the time these brainwashed generations of Americans come to realize what they have lost in the name of "equality management," and, in fact, what the WORLD will have lost, I fear it will be too late.
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